Board Member Profile - Jennifer Dignam

I have had the fortune to live and work in Asia with multidimensional geographically dispersed and culturally diverse organisations.  Some of the industries I have worked in include shipping, logistics, engineering, utilities, banking and finance, offshore, government and family businesses.  My passion is to help individuals and businesses to be the best they can be and to use my communication, strategy and people skills effectively to do this. 

I have had the privilege to work on different boards including another disability service provider and working with organisations that help young people to achieve, build skills and find their place in the world.  Being part of Eskleigh has been wonderful.  I can see the positive impact Eskleigh has on the lives of the people we support, our staff and our management, and how we are helping the community within which we are located and closely connected.  It is truly humbling to watch our staff undertake the work they do with such passion and dedication and how they are continually coming up with new ideas and ways to make Eskleigh even better.

 Eskleigh has a very bright future with our expanding and quality offerings to the community and our participants throughout Tasmania.  I am grateful for this opportunity to be part of a wonderful team at all levels of Eskleigh.