Jardine Update (November) — Eskleigh Foundation | Disability Care Tasmania

Jardine Update (November)

By Amanda Bailey, Chief Operating Officer

We’re making great progress, and we can’t wait to see these units come to life!

The exterior work in progressing well. The switchboard and water meter pads have been installed and are set for finalisation next week. Both driveways are marked out and ready for concrete. The carports for all units, except unit 4, have been prepared for concrete installation. Additionally, the external cladding is complete for all units, except for unit 4. Things are shaping up nicely. 

Last week we had the pleasure of welcoming participants, families and support coordinators for a special tour of unit 1. The feedback we received was overwhelmingly positive, and everyone is eager to see the next steps unfold. It was wonderful to witness such enthusiasm as we work towards creating a supportive and welcoming environment.

Unit 1: Final touches are being added with plumbing and electrical fixtures nearly complete; only assistive technology installation remains. Painting is almost finished. 

Unit 2: Plumbing fixture installation will begin next week, while electrical work is already in progress. Vinyl flooring and joinery are complete. 

Unit 3: Plumbing and electrical fixtures are done, and painting has begun. 

Unit 4: Plastering and initial painting are complete, vinyl flooring is laid, and joinery installation is underway. 

Unit 5: Plumbing and electrical fixtures are 80% complete, with painting started and vinyl flooring laid. 

Unit 6: Plumbing and electrical fixtures are complete, joinery is done, and vinyl flooring is laid. Plumbing fixtures installation will start next week. 

Unit 7: Vinyl flooring is complete, electrical work is 80% done, plumbing installation will begin next week, and joinery and fixtures are complete. 
